Priory Post 21 – Drawing a Day

Posted: 19th August 2015


Drawing a Day

Well done to all those students in Key Stage 4 and 5 who took part in the drawing a day task over the summer holidays! The Art Department was very impressed by the standard of detailed drawings and the experimental way in which the notebooks were used. Drawing on a daily basis helps to improve our observational drawing skills and our understanding of composition and scale.

Here are a few photographs that demonstrate the excellent standard of drawing!





If you are keen on drawing, there are various activities and events taking place across the country for ‘The Big Draw’ during October, please see for more information and a list of local events.

Look out for the ‘Big Dolls House’ project which St Augustine’s Priory will be getting involved with for ‘The Big Draw’. More information on this project can be found on the Art Department website:

Categories: Priory Post