Priory Post 35 – From the Counsellor’s chair

Posted: 19th August 2015


Getting Organised

As the Michaelmas Term continues you may find there is more competition for your time.  More homework, more assignments, more deadlines to meet.  Just more demands on our time in general, causing more stress.  Being better organised can really help reduce stress levels.  The earlier we can get into the habit of being organised, the more time we have for other things and the less worried we are about falling behind and not coping.


Here are a few tips that may be helpful for pupils and parents alike:

  • Don’t procrastinate – do what needs to be done as soon as practicable.  Delay eats into time set aside for others things, can make you feel guilty, unhappy and panicked.  So when you get in from school, have a break whether a chat, a snack or some chill out time,  but then –
  • Prioritise – consider what must be done, what should be done, and what could be done.  If something is not absolutely essential to do, park it to one side and concentrate on what is important.  If a piece of homework needs to be in by tomorrow do that before a piece that needs to be handed in later in the week.
  • Make sure homework and other assignment deadlines are noted in your school diary.  Parents of younger pupils can help them check entries and prioritise.
  • If you don’t understand the work, ASK.  Ask your teacher, friend, a parent.  Don’t struggle for hours over a task you are unsure of if someone can help clarify it.
  • Make sure you have short breaks during your home study time. Walk around, have a drink, listen to some music, rest your eyes from computer work.
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  • Work in a well-lit space, have a fairly comfortable chair (not too comfortable, just in case you snooze), ensure all necessary equipment (pens, felt tips, pencils, rulers, etc.) and books are to hand.
  • Tell family you prefer not to be disturbed whilst you are working.
  • Do you need a pin board, post it notes, note book as visual reminders?  Would a calendar or general diary help to plan things?  Make them colourful and fun.  Highlight, underline, mark with an asterisk important things.
  • Once you have finished a piece of work tidy it away.  Have a short break and start the next piece.
  • Keep a rubbish bin handy.  Don’t end up wallowing in scraps of paper and other bits and pieces.  If you don’t need it, bin it.
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  • Watch out for temptations. TV, DVDs, games’ consoles, computer, mobile phone!  Think of these as treats.  Don’t get drawn into watching a TV programme you know will be difficult to stop watching. If you use your computer for work remember not to use it to play games or trawl the internet for other things in your allocated work time.  Social networking – resist the compulsion and limit the time e-mailing, texting, phoning.  Be in control.  Unchecked, these temptations have a habit of growing and impinging on your time.   It’s in your gift to control them.
  • Get all your books and anything you need for the following day packed and ready by the door so you just need to grab your bag as you leave in the morning.
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  • If it helps, make a list of daily things that need to be done. Check the list in the evening or first thing in the morning; tick the things you have achieved; evaluate what has been left and if it needs to be carried over into the new day’s list.  Compliment yourself on a job well done.
  • Don’t work too late into the evening. It interferes with your sleep. If you are organised you should be able to avoid working late most of the time.
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Categories: Priory Post