Priory Post 45 – One Climate, One World

Posted: 21st August 2015


CAFOD’ s Climate Change Campaign


One World Week runs this year from 19th – 26th October and during this time we can join with CAFOD’s One Climate, One World campaign.  CAFOD is calling

‘on politicians and decision-makers to stop climate change pushing people deeper into poverty. The campaign also calls for a shift away from the fossil fuel use that causes climate change, and towards sustainable energy for all.

As party leaders shape their election manifestos, join us in urging them to make climate change a priority for the sake of our neighbours worldwide.

Climate change is the biggest threat to reducing poverty, whether it’s floods destroying livelihoods, or unpredictable rains leaving millions hungry.’

We pray for the world we live in:

that God may open our eyes to recognise the goodness of all creation

and help us to do what we can to restore and care

for the wonderful gift that we have been given.


If you would like more information on CAFOD and the ‘One Climate, One World’ campaign and discover how you can help, please go to:


Categories: Priory Post