Priory Post 53 – WW1 Centenary Drama Workshops

Posted: 24th August 2015


Prep III and Junior School study World War I

To mark the centenary of the start of World War I our pupils in Prep III, Lower I, Upper I, Lower II and Upper II all attended drama workshops on Wednesday 5th November to help them learn about the history of the time and to give them some understanding of the events.


Sofia Krunic, Lower II Alpha, reports:  ‘Today I learned a lot about World War I at our drama workshop with a lady called Holly. She told us how the war began, it began when Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were murdered. Then we learned a very nice song that the soldiers used to sing when they were going to war: ‘Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag’. We also acted out some scenes about why you should or should not go to war. After that we did a freeze frame of a war scene. Finally we created an advert to show what it would be like to live in the trenches with rats on the floor and lice all over your uniform!’


Emma Berridge, Lower II Alpha, comments: ‘I especially liked the part where we had to walk around the room in different ways to show how we felt. At the end my group were chosen to perform a scene where we acted out being in a trench.’


Lily Rodney, Lower II Alpha, says: ‘I learned that the war started on 28th July 2014 [the day Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia], one hundred years ago. I loved the drama workshop!’


Finally, Sophiya Shahid, Lower II Alpha, comments: ‘We learned a song that the soldiers used to sing to make them confident so that they would not be scared. Then we had to debate with a partner whether you would like to go to war or not.’


Categories: Priory Post