Priory Post 84 – Chinese New Year – Part II

Posted: 26th August 2015

Chinese New Year – Part II

Prep II and Prep III enjoy the party!

Following on from Prep I’s celebrations yesterday, today Preps II and III enjoyed their Chinese New Year activities.  As Chinese New Year, heralding the year of the sheep, falls during our half term on 19th February, the Art Department and Mandarin club have combined in the person of Ms Eng to encourage artistic, linguistic, cross-cultural and cross-curriculum activities around the Chinese New Year.


Many of the girls (and teachers) of Prep II and Prep III came dazzlingly dressed in red, the colour of good fortune and happiness, ready to try out eating with chopsticks, solve tangram puzzles (where you build shapes out of cut pieces of paper) and make good luck red envelopes.


There was also dancing.  After having made a very beautiful dragon, Prep II and Prep III danced with it around the room to the sound of music.  Leading the dragon parade was a ferocious lion who kept everyone in line!



Apart from Ms Eng, several staff were on hand to participate in the jollification:  Mrs Costello, Mrs Van Der Merwe, Mrs Islam, Miss Halton and Mrs Tippen all joined in with gusto.  Mrs Costello even tried her hand at dragon dancing!



Several comments were received from the participants:

Eve and Lucia, Prep III, ‘enjoyed the noodles’, while Cecilia (Prep II) ‘liked making the red money envelopes’.  Niamh in Prep III ‘liked the puzzles and made the house’ and Primrose, Prep III, ‘enjoyed the dragon which tried to move’.  Eva in Prep II also enjoyed the event, especially ‘the eating’.




All in all, this was a very successful celebration of Chinese New Year.  Thank you to Prep II and Prep III, Ms Eng, and all the Prep II and Prep III teachers for working so hard to make it such a happy event.


Categories: Prep