Priory Post 127 – Exploring the River Chess

Posted: 27th August 2015

Exploring the River Chess

Upper II Geography Fieldtrip

On Friday 24th April Upper II went on a Geography fieldtrip to Amersham Field Centre.  Here Mia Tobin, Upper IIA, reports on their visit.


‘Last Friday Upper II travelled from school to the River Chess centre, where we met two FSC (Field Studies Council) teachers named Danni and Theresa.  Danni and Theresa gave us a talk about the rules of the river plus what to expect on our tour.  In the classroom we sang the ‘water cycle song’.


Drainage basin revision for Upper II

Upper II then returned to the bus and travelled to Chesham Moor, where we sat on the river bank to draw a field sketch, measure the width and depth of the river and, finally, have fun with a cork by timing how quickly it travelled from one side of the bank to the other.  All our results were recorded.


We then left Chesham Moor and travelled to Scotsbridge Mill (which is further down the river than Chesham Moor which is close to the source of the River Chess).  After lunch we repeated the same experiments we had completed earlier.  So, we again drew a field sketch and measured the width and depth of the river.  During class next week we will be reviewing all the results which will help to prepare us for our assessment!


Searching for live habitats in Amersham

The best part of the day was fishing in the River Chess.  Many different species were found and placed in large trays for us to observe.  We also rehearsed the songs from our forthcoming play “Honk” as we had earlier spotted two ducks and named them Ida and Drake.


A fish found by Upper II

Upper II had a wonderful day; a huge thank you to Ms Keep, Mrs Tippen, Mrs Racadio and Mr Ferguson for organising the visit and accompanying us.’


Categories: Junior