Christmas Lunch

Posted: 1st December 2015

Serenading our diners, crackers and delicious food!


On Tuesday 1st December pupils at St Augustine’s Priory enjoyed their Christmas lunch.  This may seem a little early, but from now on until the end of term, apart from lessons and the regular activities of a busy school, we will also be enjoying several Nativity plays, the Christmas Fair, the Carol Service and the Priory Players performance of ‘High Street Musical’.  Not forgetting Prep III’s visit to the National Gallery, the visit of the Upper I to Upper II Theatre Club to Cinderella, Form III’s participation in ‘Your Life, You Choose’ and the Upper V to Upper VI visit to Berlin.


So, today seemed like a great day to eat our Christmas lunch of turkey, stuffing, vegetables and, to end with, a choice of mince pies, chocolate brownies and Eton Mess.  Our caterers, Holroyd Howe, prepared a splendid meal and also decorated the refectories and provided crackers for everyone to enjoy pulling for surprises and paper crowns!



In the Sixth Form Common Room, which has been seasonally decorated, the Sixth Form also sat down to their Christmas lunch.



To accompany our meal we were beautifully serenaded by a bansuri (Hindustani flute) duo and our Flute Ensemble, led by Mr Hudson.  These two groups played Christmas carols and songs for us all while we ate, a lovely experience!




Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School