Musical News

Posted: 21st April 2016

A focus on the Mass

More news from our Director of Music, Mr Martin, re musical news this week:

‘The Summer Term has got off to a fine start and congratulations are due to all the girls who took an ABRSM instrumental exam last term. It was an excellent set of results with a 100% pass rate. Well done in particular to all those girls who achieved a Merit or Distinction.

Rehearsals are now underway for musical ensembles and choirs, so please continue to encourage excellent attendance.


We have already been treated to some lovely music before the Mass this week, as Angela Chan (Lower IVA) played the Adagio cantabile from Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13, helping to establish a contemplative mood as girls entered the Chapel for Mass. It is always a delight to hear girls contributing musically to the Mass in this way, and we would like Forms preparing their Mass to suggest liturgically appropriate musical items that any members of that Form might like to play or sing.’

In his article Mr Martin highlights that Mass is a central element in life here at St Augustine’s Priory and each Mass is prepared by a different Form each week.  Among other roles, girls from that class read, prepare and deliver the bidding prayers and bringing the Offertory gifts to the altar.  They also select the hymns and it is always wonderful to welcome girls contributing to the liturgy by performing items, adding to the celebration of the Mass in a very personal way.



Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School