Upper VI: Preparing for the future

Posted: 10th June 2016

Leavers’ Mass and Reception

Just before half term, on Thursday 26th May, our annual Upper VI Leavers’ Mass and Reception took place with Fr Thomas from Ealing Abbey joining us to celebrate this annual event.  The Chapel was crowded with Upper VI students, their families and staff and the Mass proved to be a joyous and moving event.

The students in Upper VI had prepared the liturgy with hymns and readings that spoke of their journey through the school and was an opportunity for them to thank God and speak of the friendships they had formed and which will last them throughout their lives.  Every girl had wanted to be an active part of this Mass, so with bidding prayers, music performances, with offertory procession and readings before, during and after the Mass ended the girls in Upper VI shared their lives here with us all.


Billie Morrison, our out-going Head Girl, completed the proceedings after the Mass had ended with a speech – a lovely tribute to St Augustine’s Priory and the people contained therein – teachers, friends, and families.

Then all the Upper VI gathered up the prayers which they had written on card cut-outs of their hands and fastened them to the fence bordering our Prayer Garden where their hands join with the prayer hands of Prep I.  From beginning to end of life at St Augustine’s Priory – their own journey of faith.


Afterwards we all joined together for a reception in the evening sunshine on the Chapel Lawn and reminisced and enjoyed the time together.


This occasion marks an important milestone in the lives of our pupils at St Augustine’s Priory.  It marks their transition from their school years to their future and is an opportunity for them and their families to celebrate with staff in being a part of this vibrant, rich and faith-filled community.


Categories: Faith Life Sixth Form Whole School
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