The Taste of Music

Posted: 15th September 2016

Music Department News

Dr Higgins, our Director of Music, reports on the news so far this term from the Music Department

‘Term has commenced and the Music Department is in full swing (no pun intended). First, may I say it is my great pleasure to welcome Mrs Heather Eccleston to the Music Department. Mrs Eccleston will be teaching Music in the Junior School until the end of this term. She has already proved to be indispensable, and it is plain to see that the girls enjoy her expertise and energy.

We held our annual ‘Music Taster Day’ on Friday 9th September. This is an opportunity for all girls from Prep III to Form III to hear the Department’s peripatetic staff demonstrate and talk about their instruments and for many of girls to try the instruments themselves.


This year we had two sessions: one in Period 3 and the other in Period 6, and girls tried their hand at harps with Miss Aspinall, the flute with Mr Judson, the clarinet and saxophone with Miss Watson, the cello with Mrs Warren, the violin and viola with Miss Jackson and drums and percussion with our new teacher, Miss Hatch. A good number of students have already signed up for drum lessons, which is great.

If your daughter is interested in taking instrumental or singing lessons, do please get in touch or ask her to come and see me and I will send home a form.

One final bit of news: this week we held the first practices this term of the Junior and Senior Choirs. Over forty girls came to Senior Choir, and over 30 came to Junior Choir! Fantastic news. Thank you all for your support.’


Categories: Junior Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School