Prep III visit the Florence Nightingale Museum

Posted: 23rd March 2017

A memorable visit into history

Mrs Lubowiecka, Form Teacher Prep III, here recounts the recent visit of Prep III to the Florence Nightingale Museum:

‘Prep III’s current History topic is Florence Nightingale and, on Thursday 16th March, they travelled to Central London to visit the Florence Nightingale Museum. The girls were amazed to see Miss Nightingale walking along the pavement with outstretched arms to greet them as they walked from the coach to the museum.   Miss Nightingale enlisted the help of the girls throughout our visit as she regaled us with her life story and adventures.  She guided as through the many hands-on activities at the museum where we all extended our knowledge and consolidated our learning of this topic.

After lunch, in the grounds of St Thomas’ Hospital, Prep III chatted about their Michaelmas History topic (the Gunpowder plot) as they had their photograph taken with the Houses of Parliament in the background. We thought we had been transported back in time as we saw many people dressed in Victorian clothing passing by and waving to us but they explained to us they were filming a period drama.  We all had a great day and would like to thank Mrs Khakha, Mrs Oprzynska, Mrs Sohdi and Mr Lupin for accompanying us on the trip.’


Categories: Junior Whole School