What’s On for Priory 6

Posted: 6th July 2017

The Week of Monday 10th July

Life is getting quieter this week as everyone prepares for their summer holidays, but there are still some fascinating events on offer, including the two listed below; one on ‘The State of the Thames’ and the other, ‘From Nuremberg to the Old Bailey:  Memories of a Forensic Pathologist’.  For more information, please see Mr Salmon, who has undertaken all the research this year for the wonderful talks available at ‘What’s On for Priory 6’.

Monday 10th July

Time to start packing those suitcases!

Tuesday 11th July

The State of the Thames:  The Thames is seen as a global success story of a recovering urban estuary. Find out more about how far the Thames has come since being declared ‘biologically dead’ in 1958 and learn about some of the species that live in the estuary and how they use it.  This is one of the excellent events at the Zoo where several speakers give an overview of a fascinating topic.  ZSL, 18.00. Free, and very welcoming to students.



Wednesday 12th July

From Nuremberg to the Old Bailey: Memories of a Forensic Pathologist:  Professor Tim Mant will discuss the work of his father, Professor A Keith Mant, a British forensic pathologist who headed the Special Medical Section of the British Army’s War Crimes Group, for which he interviewed members of the SS and those suspected of carrying out medical experiments, in particular, in Ravensbrück concentration camp. He will discuss the impact his father’s investigation of the Nazi doctors’ “experiments” had on the criminalisation of unethical medical experimentation and the subsequent Nuremberg Code.  Important topic, but a possibly grim and disturbing lecture; think before you go.  Wiener Library 18.30 [Exhibition view at 18.00] Free; advisable to register.  https://www.wienerlibrary.co.uk/Whats-On?item=324

Thursday 13th July


Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School

School in Action Open Morning for Preps and Pre-Preps
(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

Senior Open Morning (Years 7 to 11)
Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

To attend please click here