Expanding vocabulary

Posted: 17th November 2020

Junior Spanish Spelling Bee.

Lockdown has been no barrier to education at St Augustine’s Priory.  Here, Mylla, now in Form III, reports on the Junior Spanish Spelling Bee, designed to expand and test knowledge of the Spanish language:

‘Back in the Summer Term in Upper II during Lockdown, we were invited to take part in the Spanish Spelling Bee. This involved learning vocabulary lists of 50 words for each round, with three rounds altogether. As well as spelling the words (in English for Round 1 and then in Spanish for Rounds 2 and 3), contestants also received points for pronouncing the words accurately. We had encountered the vocabulary in Round 1 in our lessons, whilst in Rounds 2 and 3 everything was completely new. We had to use our knowledge of Spanish pronunciation to ensure we were saying the words correctly!

A lot of girls entered and some were eliminated as each round went by. In the final round, in order to establish the top positions, a quick fire round was undertaken on all 150 words from the Spanish Spelling Bee.

Upper II enjoyed the experience and it was a great way to learn new Spanish words. If you are given the opportunity to take part – make sure that you do!’

The results of the Junior Spanish Spelling Bee 2020 were as follows:

Champion: Mylla

Runner-up: Arianna P

Third Place: Amba

Grand Finalist: Natasha

Congratulations to all who took part and to the worthy champion and runners-up!

Previous Champions in the Junior Spelling Bees in Spanish and French have been: 

2019 French: Manahal S

2018 French: Emma S

2017 French: Bella C

2016 Spanish: Angelina S

2015 Spanish: Liliana P

Categories: Junior Priory Post Senior Whole School