Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

Posted: 26th March 2021

Work in progress.

The news that next term will see the launch of our Inclusion Committee was backed up this week by work in both Juniors and Seniors. Departments across the school are involved in putting together a programme of work which addresses the issues of inclusion, diversity and equity.

Mr Chappory reports that ‘Every department in the Humanities Faculty has either completed or is in the process of completing a curriculum map which:

  • shows where in the curriculum issues of diversity are addressed,
  • explains how the department has thought through its delivery so as to not promote stereotypes,
  • poses questions about how we tackle topics which are sensitive.

These curriculum conversations are being conducted across the school.  The idea is that these evaluative, curriculum maps are produced for the whole school by the end of the academic year.’

We will bring the questions which have arisen to the Inclusion Committee which will comprise pupils and staff.

As an example of how this works in practice, Miss Keep reports from the Geography Department that in the Seniors, ‘We are learning about how the world creates unconscious biases generated by the media, what we see, what we hear, and our own lived experiences. Lower IV will be learning how to ‘debunk’ graphs, question data, evaluate a viewpoint, and formulate their own opinion on generalisations we make in the world of geography. Topics will include: gender equality, poverty, and disparities of wealth.’ This Scheme of Work was written by Miss Keep, based on the book ‘Factfulness’ by Dr Hans Rosling.

In the Juniors Lower II and Upper II prepared a thought-provoking Assembly on Diversity with both a powerpoint presentation and a short film which the girls had made.  They looked at the ways diversity is celebrated and explored at St Augustine’s Priory with such events as around the world celebrations in Geography, learning about different cultures and religions in R.E., our cultural dress up day and Black History Month.

The Assembly ended with this prayer:

Dear God,

We celebrate the ways in which we are different.​

Thank you that you have made each of us a one-off, and that you love us.​

Our fingerprints are a reminder that we are unique.

Help us to value and celebrate the uniqueness of others.

Help us to be comfortable with difference and to remember that deep down, we are all the same on

the inside and are all created in your image.

Help us to be tolerant, understanding and accepting.

Help us never to think that discrimination, hatred or prejudice is OK.

Give us the courage to challenge any prejudices we may hold.

Help us to be open to becoming and growing more tolerant.


Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Priory Post Senior Sixth Form Whole School