Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Column

Posted: 30th April 2021

Inclusion Committee and other news.

We are delighted that one of our Governors, Mr Floyd Steadman, will be coming in next week to lead our Key Stage 2 teachers in unconscious bias training.  Mr Steadman is one of our longest standing governors who trains people in this topic across the country and whose prior experience saw him serving as Head of several prep schools.  We know that this training will be invaluable.

With news of our new Inclusion Committee:  in afternoon registration today a short video was played to girls.  Jasmine and Naomi in Upper VI had produced a video to launch our new Inclusion Committee and urged pupils to apply to join.  Each form will have a representative and pupils are encouraged to write a letter of application or create their video application over the weekend and then submit their application by the deadline of 6.00pm on Tuesday 4th May to Naomi or Jasmine.

If you would like to watch the video, it can be seen at

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Priory Post Senior Sixth Form Whole School