Walking and star gazing.
It was wonderful to be able to re-commence the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award practice expeditions this term. A chance for girls to enjoy working for their different awards. Here, Isabella and Mattie in Upper V write about the recent Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Silver Practice weekend.
‘On the weekend from 11th – 13th September we went on our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Silver Practice weekend. We travelled to Guildford on the morning of the Saturday and after we arrived divided into our groups and started walking. We walked until 12:30 pm and had lunch for an hour before setting off again. In total we walked 18km on the first day and when we arrived at camp we set up our tents.
Since our group arrived first we were able to relax and play card games with each other. The next morning we woke up super early and set off at 7:30am. We walked for about the same distance and returned to camp seven hours later. We didn’t have to walk again the next morning so we could stay up later than the night before.
Once everyone arrived at camp we sat down and talked about how our day went, laughing at the funny moments that happened. We played music and sang our hearts out to various throwback songs. That night we lay on the ground and stargazed. It was amazing to see the stars so clearly (especially the Big Dipper*). Definitely a Duke of Edinburgh’s experience to remember!’
*Also known as the Plough, seven bright stars of the constellation Ursa Major.