Cultural Dress Up Day

Posted: 5th November 2021

And looking forward to Film Night for Seniors.

The Cultural Dress Up Day on Friday 15th October, organised by the Modern Foreign Languages Department as a fundraising day for the education of Nicolás, a child in Argentina, was supported by pupils and staff in a glorious display of international costume.

As their JustGiving pages states:  ‘Nicolás is a 13 year-old boy from a deprived area in the north of Argentina. Without the daily educational support from the charity Fundación Anpuy, he would be at risk of dropping out of school.  The Modern Foreign Languages Department at St. Augustine’s Priory started sponsoring Nico in 2018. We keep in touch with him and Fundación Anpuy sends us updates on his academic progress.’

£350 is needed to cover the charity’s yearly fees and the Cultural Dress Up Day in October raised the magnificent sum of £324 (92% of the target!).  Thank you to everyone who supported this event. To donate, do please visit

Ms de Lahitte of the Modern Foreign Languages Department reports, ‘Meeting Nico in Salta, Argentina, in August 2019 was a beautiful experience. He is a sweet and shy young boy with a lovely cheeky smile. He and his family are really grateful for our support. It made me proud to be part of this wonderful St Augustinian initiative.’

The ML Department’s next event in support of  Nicolás’ education is the Film Night for Seniors – on Friday 12th November from 4.00 – 6.00pm.  Students are invited to stay after school to watch Don Quixote – an adventure comedy adaptation of Miguel De Cervantes’ famous novel Don Quijote de la Mancha. The event is open to all Senior students as the film will be shown in English – with free popcorn!

Categories: Junior Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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