Upper I Fantastic ‘Pantastic’

Posted: 23rd February 2022

A wonderfully dramatic production.

‘Utterly fantastic’.  This was the verdict on the Upper I production which took place on Thursday 3rd February.  ‘Pantastic – the Peter Pan musical’ by Matthew Crossey and Tom Kirkham was the ideal production for our talented and hard-working Upper I pupils.  With energy and enthusiasm, they conveyed the classic story of Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up.

The stage was filled with the members of the Darling family (Wendy, John, Michael and also Mrs Darling), Captain Hook and his dastardly band of pirates and the inhabitants of Neverland, including the Lost Boys and the Natives.  And, of course, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell.  There was also the inimitable crocodile, the scourge of Captain Hook!


As Miss Wiley, Upper I Form Teacher commented, ‘The girls put on a marvellous production! They truly reminded us all of how to enjoy being a child. They sang and danced so beautifully. They demonstrated amazing collaboration skills, timing and portrayed their characters in a spectacular fashion. Many comedic moments happened, along with tears (from parents!).  Each member of Upper I gave 110% in a stupendous show.  I was blown away!’

Congratulations to all of Upper I, both on stage and backstage and Miss Wiley and all those involved on a magnificent production!

Categories: Junior Whole School
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