Feast Day 2022

Posted: 25th February 2022

A day to celebrate.

Our Feast Day took place just before Half Term on Wednesday 9th February.  The school gathered for The Wishing at the beginning of the day when speeches from our Head Girl and the House Captains were well received.  During The Wishing, the Catherine Aylward Award winners were announced.  This award commemorates a past pupil who was here in the 1960s and 1970s and is awarded to those who are all they can be – it is a great honour to receive this award and the badge can be worn with pride by all those who are recipients.  This year the award winners were Dalia in Prep II , Rose in Form III and, this year, a member of staff was also awarded the Catherine Aylward Award.  Dr Higgins, our Director of Music, was given the award for being quietly brilliant in all that he does.  Many congratulations to all our worthy Catherine Aylward Award recipients.  Thank you for being you.  After The Wishing the House Games took place – a time of recreation and competition!



After this we all gathered in Ealing Abbey for our Feast Day Mass, the theme of which was Creating Space.  We all gathered in Ealing Abbey  and the Mass was celebrated for us by Fr David Reilly.  Ealing Abbey was filled with the exquisite sound of Augustinians singing and the Chamber Choir’s rendition of Ave Verum Corpus, ‘Hail, true body’, during Holy Communion, raised our hearts and minds to the beauty of the Mass.

Fr David’s excellent homily truly brought the theme home to us:  how we can make space for God and God (always) makes space for us.  There was a beautiful atmosphere in the Abbey and it was a wonderful occasion made all the more memorable by all those who took part, from those in the Offertory Procession, the musicians and choirs, readers, Altar Servers and, of course, Fr David.


After Mass, a collection was taken for The Cardinal Hume Centre, a non-profit organisation based in Westminister London, which helps families, children and young people to overcome poverty and avoid homelessness.  We are pleased to say that the wonderful amount of £198.74 was raised.  Thank you to all who contributed.

After Mass we relaxed with a Wellness Afternoon  – a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend Feast Day afternoon.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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