Baroque Group

Posted: 17th March 2022

A performance for the Society of Heads.

We were delighted that our Baroque Group were invited to play at the Society of Heads Conference last week in Cheshire.  Mrs Raffray is the Chair of The Society of Heads this year, which is an organisation representing independent schools in the UK and overseas.  The three musicians, accompanied by Mrs Warren and Augustinian parent, Mrs Jeffries, travelled up to the conference, which was attended by 170 Headteachers of independent schools from across the UK.

The Baroque Group, comprising girls from Lower V, Upper V and Lower VI, played a beautiful programme comprising: Trio sonata in G major: I. Dolce, II. Allegro, G.P. Telemann, Concerto in D major (‘Il Gardellino’): II. Cantabile, A. Vivaldi, Trio sonata in G minor: II. Largo, G.F. Handel, Concerto in G major: I. Allegro, A. Vivaldi and Aria sopra la Bergamasca, M. Uccellini.

Playing the violin, cello and recorder (soprano and alto), Daisy, Carlotta and Isabel gave a beautiful performance which was so appreciated by their audience that they were given a standing ovation.  Everyone was hugely impressed by our very talented musicians.

Congratulations to the Baroque Group and to our Music Department on such a great achievement.

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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