British Science Week

Posted: 24th March 2022

A week exploring Science.

St Augustine’s Priory celebrated British Science Week from 14th – 18th March in an array of activities, exploring all aspects of science.  Lower VI spearheaded the week and showed themselves to be excellent ambassadors of science as they hosted workshops for Juniors, from Lower I to Upper II, and Seniors and demonstrated how extraordinary science is.

A week of academic enquiry in workshops in which pupils examined sheep’s organs, made balloon hovercrafts and investigated acid and alkaline in products used around the home, was thoroughly enjoyed by all our classes.

This was a week in which pupils were inspired by science and was a wonderful learning experience for all concerned.

In addition, please follow the link to the video, ‘Did my genes make me do it?’, made by Lucy, Sheyda and Rania in Lower VI as part of the Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition, organised by Oxford Uehiro Centre.  This video showcases not only the STEM excellence here at St Augustine’s Priory, but also the way in which critical evaluation and ethical decision making is integral to our curriculum. The video can be found at:

Categories: Junior Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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