Junior Altar Servers

Posted: 25th March 2022

A Blessing.

Before lockdowns and COVID restrictions, the weekly Mass at St Augustine’s Priory was served by pupils.  These altar servers progressed through the school, from the upper Juniors until the Sixth Form, serving not only at the weekly Mass, but also at our Feast Day at Ealing Abbey and the Priory Sixth leavers’ Mass.  Some of these pupils were Altar Servers in their own parishes, but not all.  Along with the Forms who organised each Mass, it was wonderful to see the privilege of the close involvement with the Mass that being an Altar Server gave to each child.

We are now embarking on re-introducing pupil Altar Servers at the Masses here and girls from both Juniors and Seniors have volunteered to serve at Mass.  Again, some of these serve at Mass in their own parishes, and some are new to the role; training will be given to each girl and we are delighted that they are willing to contribute in this way.  We know that they can only benefit from this wonderful experience.

This week, in our Junior Mass, Fr Thomas called up those who have volunteered to be Altar Servers in our Juniors and gave them a special blessing.  Thank you to those girls in Lower II and Upper II who are our new Junior Altar Servers, we wish you every good wish for the years to come in your new positions.

Categories: Faith Life Junior Whole School
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