Prep Spring Concert

Posted: 25th March 2022

Sunny Serenading.

It was sunshine all the way when the Preps gathered on Monday 21st March in the Chapel to celebrate Spring with their Spring Concert.  Prep I, Prep II and Prep III demonstrated their undoubted talent with a selection of songs, poems and instrumental performances that delighted all their families gathered to see and hear them.

The theme, of course, was Spring, and from the opening number performed by Prep III, ‘Spring Sunshine’, through Prep I’s ‘Caterpillar Caper’ and Prep II’s performance of ‘Digging in the Garden’, Spring came alive for us all!


Congratulations to all those in the Preps who had worked so hard to put their show together and to all the teachers who guided them in this joyous celebration.

Categories: Prep Whole School
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