Lower II’s partnership

Posted: 21st April 2022

Pen pals in France.

The benefits of learning a language are becoming apparent to Lower II as, since September 2021, the pupils have been involved in a partnership with a primary school in the French town of Fréjeville.  The opportunity to correspond with children of their own age is a wonderful opportunity to hone their French language communication skills and to meet new friends as well!

French teacher, Ms Assemat, here tells us the story,

‘Since September 2021, Lower IIA and Lower II Alpha have forged a partnership with the school of Fréjeville, a town situated in the south of France near Castres and about 50 miles south east from Toulouse. It has less than 700 inhabitants and the school has only about 70 pupils. It is a mixed school.

Our girls have written to the French pupils of Fréjeville currently in CM1. Lower II have introduced themselves to their pen pals and have written Christmas and Easter cards to them. Their letters were received with warmth in the ‘hexagone’ (which is what we call France)! Some pupils have exchanged small presents as well.

Lower IIA and Lower II Alpha receive their first letters from Fréjeville.

Fréjeville receive their first letter from Lower II!

Our girls have been able to get to know what a French school looks like, and also where the pupils live (Fréjeville is a rural area as opposed to London), what they like, what pets they have and much more. Lower II pupils have been very excited to receive letters from their pen pals and found that their houses and the area looked very beautiful! We are now hoping to receive the French pupils’ Easter cards, even if they are ‘un peu en retard’.

Lower II have this to say about the exchange: ‘it is a fun experience having a pen pal. The photos they sent are beautiful and tell us a lot about them.’

For the pupils in Fréjeville, London is like a dream capital. They have created a ‘British corner’ in their classroom and treasure whatever Lower II have been able to send.

We hope that you like the photographs of our cultural exchange!’

The ‘British Corner’ in Fréjeville.

Categories: Junior Whole School
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