The Preps travel to South Africa

Posted: 12th May 2022

Learning about animals and their environment.

The Preps travelled to South Africa on Friday 6th May as Preps I, II and III took part in a live zoom call with a Wildlife Biologist & Conservationist and a Protected Area Manager & Conservationist from South Africa.  Miss Algar had arranged this exciting session and said that the children, ‘learnt about the jobs that these people do and the importance of their work.’

The Preps learnt about safari animals, their habitats, diets and much more and then enjoyed an exciting live stream of a ride in the game reserve.


Miss Algar sends this report from Prep III, ‘We learnt lots of animal facts, for example: how to tell the difference between a Leopard and a Cheetah by simply looking at the size of the animal. A leopard is a little shorter and fatter than a cheetah. Cheetahs are taller and skinnier because they need to run super-fast! We went in the Jeep and have a ride around the reserve to see what animals we could find.  We were really lucky! We saw a Rhino, nine Giraffes, a Warthog and an Impala. We also learnt about the vegetation for each animal and the type of habitats and climate in South Africa.’

Miss Algar continues, ‘Later that afternoon we had a live question and answer session where the girls were able to ask any questions they had. The girls had some really good questions. For example, what is the most dangerous ​animal in South Africa? To which the answer was, the Black Mamba snake. The girls really enjoyed having a live feed from South Africa and interacting with people living there and seeing all the animals in real time. They all thoroughly ​enjoyed it and were really intrigued and keen to learn about the animals.’

Mrs Costello writes, ‘This was an amazing experience and the children were thrilled to spot a variety of animals and learnt so much’.

Categories: Nursery Prep Whole School
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