A visit to Priory Farm

Posted: 12th May 2022

Nile Lodge Playgroup visits St Augustine’s Priory.

There was great excitement on the morning of Wednesday 11th May, as the Nursery pupils from Nile Lodge Playgroup came to visit the Priory Farm!  The Sisters, parents and children all came and met the chickens, ducks and, of course, our new lambs.  Our Farm Managers were on hand to make sure that everyone enjoyed themselves and were able to see the animals.

Everybody was very interested in meeting the lambs, who were very welcoming and agreed to being petted.  The ducks didn’t seem to notice our visitors, however, and just waddled about, looking for any delicious morsels they could find and walking between our visitors on their never-ending search for sustenance.

The chickens were unfazed by the attention, and were eager to see if the children had anything they could eat!

When the visit was over, some of our visitors were very reluctant to leave!  We do hope that this means they are going to visit again.  Our Priory Farm Open Day is on Sunday 12th June – perhaps we will see them then?

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School

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