Priory Farm visitors

Posted: 8th June 2022

Enjoying our Meadow and Farm.

On a sunny Friday 27th May we welcomed two year groups from the St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School in Hammersmith.  This was the second visit to the Priory Farm in a matter of days as pupils from the Ellen Wilkinson School had visited the farm on 20th May.  The Priory Farm was indeed being kept very busy with guests!


The Meadow was made great use of by the visiting children.  While the St Augustine’s Primary Year 5 children enjoyed the Meadow, climbing the pirates’ galleon, exploring the Hobbit house and running through the willow tunnel, the Reception class was treated to hands-on experience as they met our new lambs, ducks and chickens and the care of animals was explained to the children by Mr Raffray and our Farm Managers.


After the Reception children had finished visiting the farm, the Year 5 children took their turn.  The ducks were most co-operative and swam in their paddling pool, waddled about and were generally very hospitable.  Our hand-reared lamb was also very welcoming and was happy to wander around meeting and greeting.  The Reception children enjoyed their turn in our Meadow and we were so sorry to see them all go at the end of the visit.

We are so pleased to welcome local schools to enjoy our surroundings and this proved to be a wonderful way to begin Half Term.

Our Meadow and Priory Farm Open Morning is on Sunday 12th June, from 10.00am – 12.00 noon – we hope to see you there!

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Priory Post Senior Sixth Form The Association Whole School