Nursery Sports Day

Posted: 15th June 2022

A galaxy of events to enjoy.

The Nursery Sports Day was held on Friday 10th June and was a time of balancing, jumping, running and throwing as the Nursery children demonstrated their sporting prowess.  Prep I was there to show support to the Nursery and they were joined by the Nursery parents who cheered everyone on as they held their focus and showed their skills.

After the running events, the egg and spoon race was a time of great concentration as everyone aimed to keep eggs on spoons and finish the course.  In the javelin event, everyone in the Nursery threw with great aplomb and the distances achieved were wonderful to see.  The sack race demanded balance and speed and it was a joy to see everyone jump their way down the course.

Finally, the parents showed off their own skills in the egg and spoon race, and it was a hard fought, competitive battle between them all.

It was important to keep hydrated through the afternoon and everyone had their water bottles handy.

At the end of the day Mrs Raffray presented well-deserved gold medals to all the competitors.  Congratulations to all those involved, from the Nursery to teachers to parents, this was an afternoon to remember!


Categories: Nursery Priory Post Whole School