A Level results at St Augustine’s Priory

Posted: 18th August 2022

An exciting day.

Congratulations to all our out-going Upper VI who received their A Level results today, Thursday 18th August.  We were delighted to welcome them to St Augustine’s Priory to celebrate with members of staff and family.

Mrs Raffray, Headteacher, commented, ‘’We say that our girls will change the world.  This cohort of A Level students is ready to do just that following their excellent A Level results received today”

Contrary to the press coverage concerning university destinations, St Augustine’s Priory is delighted that so many of our students will be heading to prestigious universities this September.  The results have provided a platform for top universities including Durham, University College London, Warwick, Exeter, Loughborough, Bath, Royal Holloway London and King’s College, London in a range of subjects from History, Geography and International Business to Physics, English Literature and Law.

These A Level results follow two years of unprecedented turmoil in education and show that our pupils have learnt how to learn and are ready for university with these results:

  • 25% of all of the school’s A Level results are A*
  • 57% are A/A*.
  • 41% of the cohort achieved all A*/As
  • In History, Geography, Sociology and Art, all results were A/A*.

Of particular note are pupils like Melissa who achieved an outstanding A* in all three of her A Levels, plus an A* in her EPQ, Isabella who also achieved three A*s and an A in her EPQ, Tierney, who achieved A*, A and A, and Sofia, Siya, Mia and Anna who also achieved A*, A and A.

We are also particularly proud of those students who undertook an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) on a subject of their choice.  These independent research projects demonstrated the students’ wide interests, their commitment to social conscience and their intellectual acumen with subjects ranging from the viability of mass social housing, the relationship between money and success in the English Premier League to the extent to which religion drove the formation of city states in Mesopotamia.


As Mrs Raffray commented, “At St Augustine’s Priory we know our pupils inside out – they are brave change makers who set off now to take their place in the world.  Congratulations to all our A Level students on their achievements this year.”

Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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