A seasonal poem.
At this time of year our grounds are springing to life with buds, blossoms and the grass is definitely growing! Our Estates Staff care for our grounds and in Spring special care is given to our lawns, emerging from the harshness of winter.
You will therefore notice that there are some signs which read ‘Please keep off the lawn’ around the front of the school and also around the rose garden to protect the grass as it recovers.
We would ask you please to therefore not, for the moment, go on the grass in the rose garden. The following poem may assist!
The Estates Staff were all working
The plans had all been drawn
For Spring they all were mowing
And working on the lawn.
The sheep they were all helping
To keep the grass all shorn
But Estates must do the tidying
Mess never to be borne.
But then they hit a problem
It was as clear as glass
Dear Reader, it was awesome –
The Bursar stood on the grass!
‘No, no’ they cried, ‘keep off it!’
‘The grass is all reborn,
For Spring is come and so it
Must not be all forlorn’.
The Bursar he was sorry
And looked all sad and drawn
He said he would be wary
And not tread on the lawn.
He came up with a plan so purebred
A thought as pure as dawn
And signs were put about that read
Please keep off the lawn!
So reader, do not venture,
Our rose garden give a pass
As an April kind-hearted gesture,
Do please keep off the grass!
Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School