Upper I and Hot Cross Buns!

Posted: 27th April 2018

A visit from the André Malraux Primary School. 

Miss Gandi, Modern Languages Department, writes, ‘It is now the second year of our partnership with the André Malraux Primary School.  After they kindly invited us in January to share the French tradition of the galette, we exchanged book marks with our favourite book characters during Book Week  – a great way to find out about French book characters!

On Friday 20th April we were very excited as they were coming to visit us. We welcomed them in the Chapel and then went to the Science labs and divided into two groups: one group had Chef who showed us how to make Hot Cross Buns and we were then able to make our using chocolate chips, raisins and decorated them with coloured icing.  The second group looked at the history of Hot Cross Buns and we sang them the Hot Cross Buns song! We also prepared little leaflets for them. After this we went to the astro turf and taught our French friends how to play rounders and we then took them to the farm – they were very impressed!

Finally, Chef baked our buns and they were all ready for us to taste. Mmm! They were delicious!

Merci les amis d’André Malraux pour ce bel après-midi!

Clara Simpson Tarling, Upper I, had this to say:

‘Last Friday afternoon our French pen pals came to our school to learn about see some English traditions since a little while ago we went to their school for the Epiphany. When we heard the French school had arrived we were all super excited! A few minutes later we all joined together in the Chapel (which was quite strange for the French school because they do not have a Chapel) and Mrs Knowles welcomed the French school and explained the activities we were going to participate in. Once we all knew what we were doing we split our class in half to join our pen pals for the first activity.

The first activity was making some yummy hot cross buns.  We all joined together in the science lab and got a piece of dough for our buns. We shaped them into flat circles and then put in either chocolate chips or raisins in the dough. We then incorporated the ingredients and shaped them into bun shapes. Next we added some nice colourful icing to decorate the hot cross buns. While the buns were in the oven, we went to the astro turf to play some rounders with our pen pals and apparently they had no idea what rounders was because in France they do not play rounders at all!  We played a few rounds and it took some time for the French school to understand but in the end they got the gist of it. We played a good half an hour of rounders. Then we went to the Priory Farm so the French school could see our animals. The sheep were lounging in the shade because it was quite hot on Friday. The chickens were enjoying the sun and the micro pigs were rolling about in the mud. Shortly afterwards we all went to collect our hot cross buns from the Chef; they were a bit topsy turvy but they did taste nice! Then our French pen pals had to leave but all in all it was a really fun afternoon.

Categories: Junior Whole School

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(entry into Nursery to Year 6 only)
Tuesday 24th September from 10am until 12pm

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Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 12.00noon.

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