A Good Innings

Posted: 21st January 2022

Coaching at its best.

The performance of the England cricket team in the Ashes against Australia may not have filled you with joy and jubilation, but a cricketing performance nearer to home is certainly deserving of congratulations.

Just before Christmas our Bursar, Mr Philpott, was recognised by the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) for his outstanding contribution to coaching in 2021 in Hampshire.

His decade of work at the Hartley Wintney cricket club’s junior section has resulted in ‘a doubling of boys at the club, and the girls’ participation quadruple’.  A fan of many sports, Mr Philpott coaches boys and girls from under 7 – under 18 and is currently coaching the under 11 girls.

Mr Philpott has been involved in cricket since his earliest years, starting with watching and scoring and then playing at school, university and at the Hartley Wintney cricket club.

The history of this club goes back to 1770, and it is one of the oldest cricket clubs in the country. The Club is a founder member of the Hampshire Cricket League and there is a very strong youth section with boys teams at Under 9, 11, 13, 15, and an U21 Academy squad and girls teams at Under 10, 12 and 14.

Congratulations to Mr Philpott on his award and to many successful years of coaching ahead!

Categories: Junior Nursery Prep Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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