Seniors and the Inclusion Committee

Posted: 3rd March 2022

Faith and Belief Forum.

St Augustine’s Priory has been proud to have been a member of the Faith and Belief Forum for many years.  It was founded in 1997 as the Three Faiths Forum, changing its name to the Faith and Belief Forum in 2018.  They work towards ‘a connected and supportive society where people of different faiths, beliefs and cultures have strong, productive and lasting relations.’


Mrs McDermott, Head of R.E. reports on the meeting of some of our Seniors with the Faith and Belief Forum last week.

‘On Thursday 24th February, Upper IVA and Lower VI A Level RS students and members of the Inclusion Committee, took part in Encountering Faith and Belief Forum workshops with the Faith and Belief Forum.

Upper IVA listened to the faith stories from members of the Sikh and Jewish faiths. The students asked excellent questions about knowing what the purpose of life is, to what challenges may be faced when a couple from different religions marry.

The older students were introduced to a representative from the Humanist Association and also someone who practices the Asatru religion. This was particularly interesting as it is a religion that they had not heard of before.’

Categories: Faith Life Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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