Visit to Hampton Court Palace.
Lower II historians recently visited one of the UK’s most magnificent historic buildings, Hampton Court Palace. Originally owned by Cardinal Wolsey, chief minister to Henry VIII, it passed to the king when Cardinal Wolsey fell from favour. In the seventeenth century, King William III undertook to rebuild and extend the palace and, in so doing, much of the Tudor palace was destroyed.
However, enough remains of the Tudor Hampton Court to provide a wonderful educational outing for our pupils.
On 4th March, Lower II saw food prepared in the enormous kitchens, which had to produce over 800 meals a day for King Henry VIII and his court. The pupils also visited the chapel, the Great Hall, which lies at the heart of the Tudor Hampton Court and houses a series of tapestries dating from Henry VIII’s time, and saw much of the artwork, which adorns the palace. Lower II were also able to study examples of Tudor clothing and hear about the different strata in society in Tudor times.
We are fortunate that Hampton Court Palace lies within easy reach of St Augustine’s Priory, for it is such a valuable resource and a fascinating venue for historical study.
Categories: Junior Whole School