Upper IV’s adventure

Posted: 10th June 2021

Going Ape!

After over a year without visits, Tuesday 8th June saw Upper IV heading for the heights at Go Ape in Battersea.  Sienna in Upper IVA tells us how…..

‘We were delighted to go on an end of year trip after a year without any excursions! The trip was action packed from the minute we arrived at the Go Ape site in Battersea. It was hard to believe that we were in the heart of London as the park looked like a forest.

First we did the Treetop Challenge whereby we had to navigate our way through trees on zip wires. The course was particularly interesting as there were people both above and below us on stacked loops as we completed the challenge. We also did team building activities in which we had to use our communication skills to complete the challenges. It was great to see the teachers get involved as well!

I would highly recommend this visit as something to look forward to for girls going into Upper IV!’


Categories: Priory Post Senior Whole School