Upper I hosts some French visitors

Posted: 27th April 2017

The visit of the André Malraux school

Following on from the recent visit of Upper I to the Andre Malraux French school in January, Ms Gandi, Modern Languages Department, reports on their return visit this week to St Augustine’s Priory:

‘Our partnership with the André Malraux French school in Hanwell started this year with our lovely visit in January where we took the Epiphany and the Galette des Rois as our themes and then exchanged bookmarks during Book Week in March. We then invited them to join us for an afternoon of exciting activities and the Andre Malraux school subsequently visited us on Tuesday 25th April.

Being Maths Week, our French partners joined us, firstly, for the Quantum Theatre Maths show where they participated with all the Junior classes.

As you will be aware, the French love their food, so we then had an activity based around Hot Cross Buns where all pupils not only looked at the tradition and history of hot cross buns but we had prepared a lovely little booklet for our visitors and sang the nursery rhyme that we had rehearsed. We were then fortunate to enjoy a demonstration from our chef, Louis, before we made our own Hot Cross Buns!

St Augustine’s Priory and André Malraux pupils then ate lunch together in the meadow which was fantastic as we had time to chat and play with our partners. They had made some ‘fortune tellers’ for each of us in French!

After lunch we played rounders, a game not played in France, This was a great success and our Upper II PE prefects were extremely helpful in supporting the novice players from the French school.

We ended the day sharing our delicious (and warm) hot cross buns.

Thank you to Chef and all the teachers who made this day so special!

The visit of the Andre Malraux French school was enjoyed by Upper I and members of the class had these comments to make:

‘I enjoyed all the activities because it was all fun. I loved seeing my partner again and having lunch in the meadow together. I hope we can meet soon – maybe to play a full match of rounders’

‘I learnt about hot cross buns and how to make them! I love baking! I loved having time in the meadow with my partner’,

‘My partner is very friendly! I hadn’t seen him for a while now’,

‘It was just awesome’ I want to do more sports with my French partner’.

We are all looking forward to our next day with the André Malraux French school – ‘jusqu’à la prochaine fois.’

Categories: Junior Whole School