What’s On for Priory 6

Posted: 16th June 2017

The Week of Monday 19th June

Therapy pets, electrons, women in engineering and post-truth.  Just some of the topics covered in talks around London next week.  This is a great selection for What’s On for Priory 6, put together by Mr Salmon, from whom more information is available.

Monday 19th June

Time to sit in the sunshine?

Tuesday 20th June

A World Without News?:  Alan Rusbridger ; ex-editor of The Guardian.  An economic model for news that has existed for 200 years or more is disappearing. Are we facing the prospect of societies without ‘news’ as previously understood? And why does it matter?  Guildhall [not the usual venue] 1800, Free.  Read more at:


Wednesday 21st June

From Detection Dogs to Therapy Pets: Animals in Healthcare:  Animals have long held a role in health settings, from the ancient use of medicinal leeches to the introduction of rescue dogs in the Alps in the early eighteenth century. Today, this role encompasses an ever broader range of interventions. At this public lecture, hear from Claire Guest about how her dog, Daisy, saved her life by detecting her breast cancer, and Lyndsey Uglow on her work at Southampton and Animal Assisted Interventions.   And meet Lyndsey’s dog, Leo. [You can’t take him home…..] . RCN 1800. Free, but need to book. A very friendly venue.  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/from-detection-dogs-to-therapy-pets-animals-in-health-tickets-32953434610

Measuring the shape of the electron:  One of the unsolved puzzles in understanding what our universe is made of is why the whole world seems to be made of normal matter, with only tiny traces of antimatter. Perhaps surprisingly, this matter-antimatter asymmetry is tied up with the shape of the electron: are electrons perfectly round, or a tiny bit distorted?  Prof Ben Bauer.  Apparently this is really important. I think that it may be astonishing.  Imperial College 1730 Free; need to book.  http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/newsandeventspggrp/imperialcollege/eventssummary/event_15-5-2017-21-19-7

Britain and the EU; In or Out – One Year On:  One year ago, Britain decided, in the Referendum, upon its future relationship with the European Union. What have been the consequences of that decision? How is the relationship likely to develop? Did we make the right decision? This lecture will discuss the implications of the 2016 Referendum. This will be very topical.  Professor Vernon Bogdanor FBA CBE .  Museum of London, 1800 Free.  Read more at:  https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/britain-and-the-eu-in-or-out-one-year-on#wjiX86SEHxDWrGjT.99

Post-truth:  Post-truth is bigger than fake news and social media. This is the story of falsehood and lies: what’s being spread, why it works – and how we can tackle it.  This matters.  James Ball.  LSE 1830 Free.


Antisemitism and the Left: On the Return of the Jewish Question:  Universalism shows two faces to the world: an emancipatory face that looks to the inclusion of the other, and a repressive face that sees in the other a failure to pass some fundamental test of humanity. Universalism can be used to demand that we treat all persons as human beings regardless of their differences, but it can also be used to represent whole categories of people as inhuman, not yet human or even enemies of humanity.  Thought provoking.  Wiener Library 1830 Free; need to register.   https://www.wienerlibrary.co.uk/Whats-On?item=329

Thursday 22nd June

The Power of Miniaturization in Medicine:  Prof Sangeeta Bhatia.  Prof Bhatia’s laboratory leverages ‘tiny technologies’ of miniaturization to yield inventions with new applications in tissue regeneration, stem cell differentiation, medical diagnostics, predictive toxicology, and drug delivery.  Imperial College, 1730 Free; need to register.  http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/newsandeventspggrp/imperialcollege/engineering/bioengineering/eventssummary/event_16-12-2016-12-36-21

Curated Decay: Book Panel Discussion:  Is it time to let some heritage sites go? What happens if we choose not to intervene? What possibilities emerge when change is embraced rather than resisted? Caitlin DeSilvey’s new book, Curated Decay: Heritage Beyond Saving , questions if we can preserve all heritage sites and if it might be better to allow some to decay.  UCL 1800, Free.  http://events.ucl.ac.uk/event/event:pt9-j3jttbh7-odq5ac/curated-decay-book-panel-discussion

Friday 23rd June

Women in Engineering – Museum late, London:  Join us to celebrate International Women in Engineering Day 2017. The evening includes inspiring talks from leading women in the engineering industry and a range of interactive stalls. Please arrive between 18:30-19:00 as talks will commence at 19:00 with the stalls being available throughout the evening.  Thinking of Engineering as a career?  You should.   London Transport Museum 1830 Free; need to book .  Tickets can be accessed using the code “ICE2017“.  https://www.ice.org.uk/events/international-women-in-engineering-day-london

Engineering Structures: Design and Calculations:   Dr John Eyre, UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering.  18.30, UCL, Free.  One of the superb UCL Sixth Form series.  https://www.ucl.ac.uk/phys/department/science_centre/tabs/programme




A Weekend with London School of Architecture:  Degree Show:  An exhibition by the graduating students from this new School.  London Tomorrow presents new designs for the future of the capital. Today, half of humanity lives in cities. As the 21st century progresses, cities will be of paramount importance in tackling global issues such as climate change, population growth, income inequality, and education and health disparities. The design of our buildings and cities must adapt to this era of rapid change.  Somerset House  23-25 June. 12-1800 Free.


Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School
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