Nursery Sports Day

Posted: 6th July 2017

The sun shone over Nursery Sports Day on Monday 3rd July as parents, staff and girls gathered on the astro-turf to watch our Pre-Prep girls and boys participate in a variety of races with enthusiasm.  “Everybody was fantastic” Miss Slight commented, and she was especially pleased with all the boys and girls for cheering each other on with such gusto.  Team captains Riley, Anushka, Jessica and Thea led the boys and girls through seven races including hurdles, Balancing Hippo (balancing a toy hippo on a tennis racket), the Flower Watering race and a relay race.  Nursery then delighted in watching their parents compete in the Hat and Handbag race and the Star Jump race, before receiving their medals and certificates.

Categories: Nursery Whole School