Priory Post 31 – British Library

Posted: 19th August 2015



Lower VI Spanish students attend lecture

Aoife-Jane Moss, Lower VI, describes the visit on Friday 3rd October of the Lower VI Spanish students to the lecture at the British Library entitled, ‘W.H. Hudson and Argentina:  a British writer raised on the pampas’:

‘The Spanish class of Lower VI were fortunate enough to be invited by a former student of St Augustine’s Priory, Mrs Elena Mikusinski, who is a member of the Argentine Diplomatic Service, to attend a conference at the British Library where we heard a lecture given by the Director of the Argentine National Library, Horacio González, about the writer W.H. Hudson.  Mr González was visiting the UK promoting cultural cooperation and dialogue between Argentina and the UK.


Señor González spoke in Spanish about the literature of the Argentinian writer, William Henry Hudson which, although challenging, was interesting for us as we were able to listen to him whilst simultaneously hearing the English translation.  This tested our understanding of the Spanish language but it was fascinating to hear a lecture delivered at such a high level.

We met Mrs Mikusinski and were also lucky enough to meet the Argentinian ambassador H.E. Señora Alicia Castro.


We were accompanied by members of the Modern Languages Department, Mr Alejandro, Ms Gandi and Ms De Lahitte and I can say that we all enjoyed a very stimulating occasion.‘

(W.H. Hudson (1841 – 1922) was born in Argentina, in later life settling in England.  He wrote many books on the flora and fauna of both countries and was a founding member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds).



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