Priory Post 56 – Anti-Bullying Week

Posted: 24th August 2015

Anti-Bullying Week

‘I promise to be kind’

This week is Anti-Bullying Week and at the Mass today (19th November) prepared by the Juniors and celebrated by Fr Joseph in the presence of parents, we celebrated the Good Shepherd, who said, ‘I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make the weak strong.’

This justice and compassion are what we strive for and we are helped by the lines from the prophet Ezekiel which are guiding us through this week, ‘I shall give you a new heart, and put a new spirit in you; I shall remove the heart of stone from your bodies and give you a heart of flesh instead’.

This was emphasised by Mrs Raffray as she spoke to the Juniors at the end of Mass and asked us all to turn to each other and say ‘I promise to be kind’.


A Prayer For Those Who Are Bullied


Let us remember that when we laugh at someone, they feel pain.

Let us remember that when we pick on someone they are angry but also afraid.

Let us remember that when we don’t stick up for someone who is being bullied,

they are alone.

Let us remember that we bully because we want to feel strong, the boss.

But are we? What have we done?

We have forgotten our own fear by making others frightened.

We have forgotten our own loneliness by leaving one of us alone.

We have hidden our own nightmare in another’s terror.

It is no longer enough to be sorry.

It is no longer enough to boast and swagger.

These attitudes are hollow, skating on the thin ice of our own fears,

our own hates.

May we have the courage to confront ourselves in the ‘not me’,

‘don’t want to know’, ‘it’s their problem’, ‘I’m not involved’.

For we are all hurt, all afraid, all alone, all different, all me,

and the world is all ours.

We all have only one life.


(The Hibbert Assembly)


Categories: Priory Post