Priory Post 76 – CYMFed Youth Congress: Flame 2

Posted: 25th August 2015

CYMFed Youth Congress:  Flame 2

Wembley, Saturday 7th March 2015

The CYMFed (Catholic Youth Ministry Federation) National Youth Congress: Flame 2 is on Saturday 7th March 2015 and we have been invited to attend.  CYMFed seeks to help shape and support Catholic Youth Ministry in England and Wales and Flame 2 is eagerly anticipated – this event will be the largest National Catholic Youth event of 2015.  Flame 2 will take place in the SSE Wembley Arena with doors opening at 11.00 a.m., Flame2 starting at 12.00 noon and finishing at 5.30 p.m.


The SSE Wembley Arena will be filled with 10,000 young people from across the country, receiving inspiration from world class speakers. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Cardinal Luis Tagle from Manila, The Philippines:

Cardinal Tagle is a member of the Vatican Congregation for Education, and is a presenter of Kape’t Pandasal (“Coffee and Prayer”), an early morning programme. This is a rare visit to the UK and he is a speaker not to be missed.

  • Baroness Sheila Hollins:

Baroness Hollins has been President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and President of the British Medical Association. Her work, inspired by her faith, has focused on those with mental health issues and learning disabilities.

  • Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP:

Fr Timothy Radcliffe, OP, is a well-known Dominican who has served as Master General of his Order, has written numerous books, and has spoken extensively in all parts of the world. On the Flame 2012 evaluations he was regularly named by young people as the speaker with the greatest impact.

  • David Wells:

David Wells is Director of Adult Formation and Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Plymouth, and also served as an RE teacher for a number of years.

Interspersed with the speakers will be music and drama and the day will end with a time of Adoration led by Cardinal Vincent Nichols.


This event is open to students from Lower V to Upper VI.  Mrs McDermott, Faculty Head, R.E. and Faith Life, has booked tickets and will be accompanying the girls.  The cost of tickets for this popular event is being met by the school.

If you and your daughter would like to find out more about Flame 2, please visit

Do please contact Mrs McDermott if you are interested in attending Flame 2.Throughout the day speakers will give bursts of input, interspersed with world class music and drama, in an atmosphere full of joy. Music will be provided by double grammy award winning Matt Redman and his band. Throughout the day speakers will give bursts of input, interspersed with world class music and drama Throughout the day speakers will give bursts of input, interspersed with world class music and drama


Categories: Priory Post