Priory Post 97 – Fairtrade Fortnight

Posted: 26th August 2015

Fairtrade Fortnight

23rd February – 8th March

For the next two weeks try and swap your normal bananas for life changing Fairtrade bananas. OK, they may not change your life but they can change the life of the workers who grow and pick them.

70% of the world’s food is produced by 500 million smallholder farmers, yet many of them remain trapped in chronic poverty while shoppers enjoy the fruits of their labour. Fairtrade ensures farmers across the developing world receive a fairer price for their work, as well as an additional Fairtrade Premium, used by farmers and workers to invest in their communities. The community then decides what the Premium is spent on, whether that’s building a new school or hospital, or investing in better environmental business practices.


Adam Gardner, Fairtrade Foundation’s Communities Campaigns Manager, said: ‘The UK has one of the most powerful networks of Fairtrade campaigners in the world, raising awareness about Fairtrade values in their communities and driving positive change for smallholder farmers, and their families, in developing countries… In 2015, we want to see more individuals and businesses buying and selling Fairtrade products in the UK. The more that people choose Fairtrade, the more farmers and workers will be empowered to improve their lives through the better terms of trade it offers.’

Find out more at:

Don’t forget to join us for our Fairtrade Coffee Morning on Friday 27th February at 8.45 a.m. in the Pupils’ Refectory!




Categories: Priory Post