Collecting for Calais: Report on action

Posted: 18th September 2015

Lower VI student organises action for refugees

Following on from the Priory Post of 7th September, we here report on the progress of Rebecca Shoesmith’s (Lower VI) collection for Calais Action to help those refugees in Calais.  Calais Action’s website says ‘Calais Action is a grass roots giving group to help refugees in Calais and Europe’.

This all started when Rebecca was asked by her sister if she had any clothes to give to Calais Action and this impelled Rebecca to think on a wider scale than just donating her own items.


As Rebecca says, ‘We need to do more to help refugees and I knew that if I asked the school they would donate.  So many donations have been brought in that it makes me proud to be a St Augustine’s Priory student.’


She goes on, ‘I didn’t think we would collect so much, perhaps one or two bags.  But we filled a whole room with donations from students and parents.   Although we were going to finish on Friday 11th September, we still have more donations coming in and I am trying to find another drop-off point’.


Collecting for Calais Action has also spread out from St Augustine’s Priory into the wider community.  Rebecca tells us, ‘I would like to thank a parent at St Augustine’s Priory, Mrs Nnatu, who broadened the appeal out to another Ealing school, Durston House, and we have received many donations from them.’

Thank you to all parents and pupils who have supported Rebecca and her classmates in their efforts to assist refugees.  They are an inspiration to us all.

If you are interested in finding out more, Calais Action’s website can be found at

Categories: Whole School