Lower II visits Kew Gardens

Posted: 19th October 2015

Exploring the Tropical Rainforest

On Wednesday 14th October Miss Keep, Ms Gambrill and Mrs Round accompanied Lower II on their Geography trip to Kew Gardens. The students arrived bright and early at 10.00am at Kew Gardens, where both groups divided up for the rest of the day. There were various activities in the morning including sketching the different layers of the tropical rainforest and guessing the types of animals and habitats which occupied each one. The students were very brave and managed to reach the top of the Palm House to ensure they could sketch the emergent layer of the rainforest!


All students attended the tropical rainforest workshop ‘Habitats: People and Plants’; the students worked comparing the UK’s temperate climate and the tropical climate of the rainforests by measuring soil moisture, air humidity and light using the same equipment that scientists use around Kew Gardens! They then visited the 20 degrees Botanical Palm House where they travelled around matching plant images to the type of animals which rely on them to survive.


Lower II learnt how chocolate was made from cocoa bean plants, how vanilla pods were used, they even witnessed the use of the smelly foot plant! Stella (Lower II) commented ‘One thing I have learnt from the trip is the importance of the Papaya fruit! Monkeys in the tropical rainforest eat the fruit to survive – but remember, NEVER EAT THE SEEDS!’


In the afternoon the students were brave enough to climb the ‘Tree Top Walkway’ which stands at 18metres high.  This is a 200-metre long walkway which enables visitors to walk around the crowns of lime, sweet chestnut and oak trees.


We then boarded the coach and returned back to school safe and sound! I would like to say a huge thank you to Lower II for their excellence in enquiry and learning throughout the trip, and an even bigger thank you to Ms Gambrill and Mrs Round for accompanying Lower II!


Categories: Junior