Lower I and Upper I Remember

Posted: 12th November 2015

November, Month of the Holy Souls

November is the month of the Holy Souls and at St Augustine’s Priory we mark the month in several ways, including Remembrance Prayers at Friday lunchtimes and a Remembrance Book in the Chapel where everyone is able to write a prayer or to ask for prayers for loved ones.


Mrs Van Der Merwe, Form Teacher Lower I, tells us how Lower I and Upper I are marking this month:

‘Lower I and Upper I marked both Armistice Day and also the tradition of November being the month of remembrance by making poppies with card, tissue, felt and black buttons.  We then thought of people who we would like to pray for this month. Some girls chose to pray for the soldiers affected by war, especially those who died to defend the freedoms we have today. Others chose to remember the people they loved who are no longer with us. The poppies have been collected and displayed on the window outside our classrooms overlooking the Prep Playground.’


Yesterday, Wednesday 11th November, was Armistice Day and Lower I prepared the Junior Mass which was celebrated by Fr Peter from Ealing Abbey.


Lower I had prepared a moving and beautiful service and all the girls contributed.  Whether making handmade poppies to bring up to the altar, serving, reading, composing bidding prayers or handing out hymn books and orders of service, every girl in Lower I ensured that this Mass, the first that Lower I has organised, was a very special occasion.


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


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Categories: Faith Life Junior