Upper I’s Fraction Museum

Posted: 20th November 2015

‘Fractions are Fun!’

After the great news of the success of the Sixth Form in the Maths Challenge, we now see how the Junior School is enjoying its journey in Mathematics.


Miss O’Connell, Form Teacher Upper I, reports on her Form’s forays into Mathematics, with especial reference to the exploration of the world of fractions.


‘On Monday 16th November Upper I created a Fraction Museum in their classroom. Every pupil made a fraction exhibit out of items of their choice.

This included a labelled fraction and a Mystery Fraction for people to work out.

After they were constructed everybody in the class explored the Museum and solved the Mystery fractions!’


One pupil in Upper I explained that a fraction occurs when you take a whole and divide it into parts and the entire class called out enthusiastically, “Fractions are fun!”’



Categories: Junior Whole School