Lower V and Astronomy

Posted: 19th January 2016

Book Reviews

Ms Hayden, Head of Physics, reports on the activities of our Lower V Astronomy students:

‘Over the Christmas Holidays the Lower V Astronomy students were set the task of expanding their astronomical knowledge by reading astronomy books and writing reviews on what they had read.’

Rosa Maria Lyne-Hall read the book “Cosmos,” by Carl Sagan.


“Carl Sagan covers a variety of topics such as the human brain, the origin of life, death of the Sun, the evolution of galaxies and the origins of matter, suns and worlds. His words are beautiful and he explains everything in such an amazing and unique way that you can’t help but be awestruck by his work.”

Amanpreet Bains reports on “Death From the Skies!” by Philip Plait.


“I liked the humour in the book! When I first chose to read ‘Death From the Skies’ not only did the title and the cover catch my eye but also the first two lines in the introduction: ‘The universe is trying to kill you. It’s nothing personal it’s trying to kill me too’.  After reading that line I knew that I wanted to read the rest.  As an astronomy student I am also fascinated by some of the things mentioned in the book, such as sunspots and the UV rays and also the ozone layer and the atmosphere.’

Trishala Rai read “Bad Astronomy,” by Philip Plait.


“This book is basically a 101 on Astronomy. Philip Plait has written it in such a way that people who don’t know anything about astronomy or are just beginners (me), can fully understand the logic behind certain things, such as the scattering of light, without becoming confused.”

For those interested in astronomy, the full reviews are to be found on the Astronomy Board in the Junior Lab.

Categories: Senior Whole School