Upper II Debaters

Posted: 26th January 2016

Debating Matters

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Upper II are honing their debating skills in readiness for a visit to the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday 27th January.  On that day they are taking part in a Your Voice Tour and Workshop and, in preparation, have conducted some serious debates.


Mrs Tippen and Mrs Farmer, Form Teachers of Upper II A and Upper II Alpha, report on a debating session held by Upper II on the subject of uniforms.

‘The Upper IIs participated in a lively debate, chaired by Mrs Tippen and Mrs Farmer, in our PSHEE lesson on Wednesday 20th January.  They argued for and against the notion of wearing school uniform and supported their points with well-researched case studies and statistics.  We were incredibly proud of how sensibly and diplomatically they argued their points and a fun time was had by all.  The outcome will be revealed in the most suitable setting – the Houses of Parliament, at the conclusion of our visit on Wednesday 27th January.  We look forward to the next one!’


We hope that Upper II have a great day at the Houses of Parliament and look forward to their report!


Categories: Junior Whole School