Upper V iGCSE Science

Posted: 1st March 2016

Challenges Ahead For Physics and Biology Students

We encourage our students to step outside the curriculum and challenge themselves in order to augment their knowledge and studying capabilities.  In Science, alongside the iGCSE curriculum we are encouraging students to take part in additional challenges.  Miss Hayden, Head of Physics, outlines the programmes in which our pupils are participating:

‘As part of our extension programme in the Science Department, the Upper V iGCSE students will be sitting Physics and Biology Challenge papers organised by the British Physics Olympiad and the Royal Society of Biology.


Both organisations work to encourage the study of science and recognise excellence in young students. To this end, our students will sit the Physics paper in Physics lessons on 3rd and 4th March and the Biology paper will be sat in Biology lessons on 10th and 11th March. The papers focus on theory from the iGCSE syllabus, and will challenge the students to think in different ways about their subject knowledge and understanding. Although set on the curriculum the Challenges reward those students whose knowledge of their subjects has been increased through reading, being alert to the news media and being aware of issues pertaining to Physics and Biology.


This is an excellent opportunity for students to test their learning, and should provide a rigorous challenge for them with the highest achieving pupils receiving certificates from the British Physics Olympiad and Royal Society of Biology.’

Categories: Senior Whole School