Corpus Christi College Oxford Science Competition
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, has announced the categories for their annual Schools Science Competition. There are two categories this year, firstly Biomedical Sciences in which they require an essay outlining one experiment or test on a sample of organic matter from Mars. The other category is Chemistry: write an essay with a title ‘On ________’, in the spirit of Thomas Huxley’s essay ‘On a Piece of Chalk.’ Please see posters which have been put up around the Science Block for more details.
This competition is open to all students in years 11 and 12 (Upper V and Lower VI), and is an excellent opportunity to develop scientific essay writing skills.
The essay should be no more than a double sided A4 page, and the entries are due by midday on Tuesday 10th May and are to be emailed to, along with a cover sheet, obtainable either from Ms Hayden, or which you can download from the competition website:
This is a great competition to enter: do please contact Ms Hayden for a cover sheet.
Good Luck!!
The information from the organisers of the competition reads as follows:
Schools Science Prize 2016
We are looking for bright and talented students to enter our annual science competition.
The categories this year are Biomedical Sciences and Chemistry.
If you enjoy thinking about challenging scientific questions, then we invite you to enter our competition, open to those currently in Year 11 or Year 12.
There is a top prize of £250 available in each category, with the possibility of smaller prizes for second place and entries which the judges deem Highly Commended. All prize winners will be invited to Corpus Christi for our Open Days in late June to receive their prizes.
The deadline for entries is Tuesday 10th May 2016.
Please see our website for further details:
Categories: Senior Sixth Form Whole School